Author = Rahma Elsayed Abdel Aziz
Effect of Educational Guidelines on Mothers’ Knowledge and Practice regarding Using of Screen Viewing Time on their Children Developmental Health

Volume 14, Issue 3, September 2023, Pages 752-771

Amany Ibrahim Abdalla Ibrahim; Huwida Hamdy Abd elmonem; Rahma Elsayed Abdel Aziz; Mervat Amin Sayed; Amira A. El-Houfey

Knowledge of Children and Adolescents with Beta Thalassemia Major about their Disease: An Assessment Study

Volume 13, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 313-322

Rahma Elsayed Abdel Aziz; Safy Salah Eldin AlRafay; Randa M. Matter; Salma El Sayed Hassan

Factors Affecting Adherence toward Therapeutic Regimen among Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Volume 10, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 159-172

Rahma Elsayed Abdel Aziz; Safy Salah Eldin Alrafay; Randa Mohamed Matter; Salma El Sayed Hassan