Guide for Authors

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  • The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining the agreement of all co-authors of the manuscript submitted to EJHC.
  • Submission of the manuscript implies that submitted manuscripts are neither published or nor will be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere.

The format of manuscripts:

Research articles should follow the standard scientific format (abstract, keywords, introduction, subjects and methods, results (with tables and figures as necessary), discussion, references, and acknowledgment (if any). The text should be typed double spaced on A4 sized (30x21 cm) paper. A two cm margin should be left at both sides of the text, 3 cm wide margins at the top and bottom of the page. Pages should be numbered consecutively from the title page via the last page. All data should be expressed in units conforming to the system international (SI). Copies: One original and two photocopies of the entire manuscript should be submitted with a soft copy of the manuscript (CD).

Page of Abstract:

Title and authors:

  • A title as short as possible (not more than 100 letters). 
  • Details of all authors including full name, professional title, and affiliation, department, name(s), institution (s) and city.

NB. Name and address of the author to whom the proofs and correspondence should be sent (corresponding author).


A short self-explanatory abstract of 200-250 words should be submitted on a separate page followed by a brief listing of carefully selected keywords and abbreviations, if any, An Arabic abstract should be submitted with the same format.

Research introduction:

Should include no more than one page with no data or conclusion from the study.


Tables must be typed on separate pages (typed double-spaced) and should follow the discussion. All tables must be simple, numbered consecutively and each must have a brief heading (in Latin numbers) describing its contents. Tables must be in order when referred to as the main text in order.

Figure and Photographs 

Figures must be as simple as possible, (2D), black and white with a clear background. Its number, name of the senior author and an arrow indicating "top" should be typed on a gummed label and affixed to the back of each illustration. All figures must be numbered as cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. Photographs must be high-contrast, glossy and black and white (When colors are unnecessary) prints and mounted with the preferred size between 10x13 and 13x18 cm.


A List of references, double-spaced in alphabetically order in the manuscript. Unpublished data will not be accepted as references.

  • Books: should include authors, the title of the book, edition number, the city of publication, publisher, year, specific age number.

Eg.: Rubinson L, Neutens jj. Research Technique for the Health

Sciences. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1987;81-114.

  • Journal: should include authors, the title of the article, journal name, year, volume and edition number, first and last page numbers.

Eg., Benhamour S, Benhamour E, Aquirer E and Flamant R. Differential Lung Cancer Risk in Male Cigarette Smoker. Int. J. Epidemiol. 1994;23:437-443.

  • Chapter in a book: should include the author of the chapter, the title of the chapter, authors of the book, book title, book edition number, city of publication, publisher, year specific page number.

Eg: Martin AL. Information Systems for Human Resources. Management in: Fottler MD, Hernadez SR, and Joiner CL. Strategic management of Human Resources in Health Services Organizations New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1988; 141 – 177.

NB.: For Articles with more than six authors, list the first six followed by et al.

Article Processing Charge

The journal is published in both print and online versions and all articles published in the journal are fully open access and freely available online according to the following license, immediately upon publication. Publication Fee is free of charge.

Copyright policy

The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright, and to retain publishing rights without any restrictions.