Author = Fatma Kamal Ali
Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Techniques on Physiological Parameters, Psychological Factors and Sleep Quality among Pregnant Women with Preeclampsia

Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 125-148

Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby Ali; Fatma Kamal Ali; Amira Mohamed Salama; Fatma Mansour Abdel Azeem Barakat

Effect of Competency-Based Education on Maternity Nurses' Performance and Quality of Care regarding Management of First Stage of Labor

Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 149-170

Fatma Kamal Ali; Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby Ali; Fatma Mansour Abdel Azeem Barakat

Effect of Spontaneous Open-glottis versus Valsalva Closed-glottis Pushing during Second Stage of Labour on Pelvic Floor Morbidity and Fatigue

Volume 15, Issue 1, March 2024, Pages 343-364

Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby Ali; Fatma Mansour Abdel Azeem Barakat; Fatma Kamal Ali

Effect of Health Educational Program on Maternity Nurses' Performance Regarding Obstetric Fistula and its Prevention

Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2022, Pages 219-240

Fatma Kamal Ali; Hemmat Mostafa El Banna; Zeinab Rabea Abd Elmordy

Effectiveness of Comprehensive Intervention Package on pregnant Women's Perception regarding Selected Aspects of Safe Motherhood

Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 1348-1369

Amal Talaat Abd El-Wahed El Sarkawy; Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby; Fatma Kamal Ali

Pregnant Women' Knowledge and Attitude regarding Hepatitis B Virus Infection: a Structured Teaching Program

Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2021, Pages 301-324

Fatma Kamal Ali; Hanan Amin Ali; Ola Abdel-Wahab Afifi Araby