Women's Feelings regarding Vaginal Examination during Normal Childbirth

Document Type : Original Article


1 Technical Nursing Institute, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University.

2 Maternity and gynecological nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

3 Obstetrics and Gynecological NursingFaculty of Nursing-Benha University.


Aim: The study aimed to assess women's feelings regarding vaginal examination during childbirth. Design: Descriptive study design Setting: This study was conducted at labor unit of Obstetric and Gynecological Department at Benha university Hospital for all pregnant women in active phase of labor. Sampling: convenient sample included 200 pregnant women in active phase of labor were recruited in the current study. Tools: An interviewing questionnaire was used to collect data related to women's feelings regarding vaginal examination Results: The present study revealed that vaginal examination was conducted too frequently with range (5–12 times) by different providers and this increase women's feeling of pain. The proportion of women who received high frequency of vaginal examination during childbirth was significantly larger in primipara as compared to multipara. Conclusion: The study concluded that most of women had feeling of pain regarding vaginal examination during childbirth. Recommendation: Health care provider who conducted vaginal examination should be perform the ideal exam and only when necessary, carefully without causing pain, with minimal discomfort to women and with dignity.
