Factors Affecting Scholastic Achievement Among School Children In A Slum Area

Document Type : Original Article


Community Health Nursing Deparment, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University


Background: Slums are areas constitute broad social and health disadvantages to children
due to extreme poverty, in addition to limited access to basic health and education services, and
other hardships. The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting scholastic
achievement among school children in a slum area. Research design: A descriptive cross
sectional design was carried out in preparatory schools in Manshiat Naser on a multistage
stratified cluster sample of 200 school children. Tools of data collection was an interview that
included selected domains of the Global Risk Assessment Device, namely substance abuse ,
health services, accountability, sociability and education. The fieldwork lasted from the
beginning of October to the end of December 2015. Results: School children age ranged between
13 and 15 years with more males (56%), the failed school children had higher percentages of
males, older age, higher school grade, non-educated fathers, older age mothers, with rural
residence, and insufficient income. Statistically significant associations among the educational
(p<0.001), accountability (p<0.001), and health care (p<0.001) factors with school achievement.
It can be noticed that these three factors were higher among failed school children. In multivariate
analysis, the risk factors predicting academic failure were a higher school grade, and higher
scores of educational, accountability, and health care factors. It is evident that the educational
factors are the most influential (Odds Ratio [OR] 186.52), followed by the accountability factors
(OR 37.34). Conclusion and Recommendation: The school performance of school children in
slum area is most influenced by accountability, educational and health care factors, in addition to
higher school grade. The strong inter-relations among these domains should be taken into account
in any trial to improve the educational system in schools. The substance abuse-related factors
need to be revisited given the possibility of under-reporting. Intervention studies are needed to
investigate the effectiveness of school-based programs addressing these identified factors in
improving school performance among these adolescents.
