Assessment Lifestyle for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Document Type : Original Article


Medical Surgical Nursing Department. Faculty of Nursing, Ain- Shams University


Background: Lifestyle of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is crucial
to improve patients' health status, reduces hospital admissions and slow the progression of
the disease. Nurses have an important role in promoting the lifestyle of COPD patients as
providing the education to change and modify lifestyle. Aim: This study aimed to assess
level of knowledge and lifestyle of patients with (COPD). Design: A descriptive design was
conducted to achieve aim of this study. Setting: the study was carried out in chest diseases
department of Beni–Sueif University hospital. Subjects: A Purposive sample of 50 patients
admitted in the previous mentioned setting. Tools: I–Interview questionnaire sheet which
composed of demographic characteristics, patient’s knowledge regarding (COPD)- II–Miller
Smith lifestyle questionnaire to assess the lifestyle of (COPD) patients. Results: revealed
that, more than three fifth of the studied patients were smokers. The majority of studied
patients had low knowledge level. Eating habit, physical activity, motivation and state of
mind, adherence to medication regimen and smoking habits had low adequacy level that
indicate low level of lifestyle. Conclusion: There were highly statistically significant
relation between lifestyle and age, gender, marital status and level of education.
Recommendations: Further researches are recommended to continuing health education program
should be given for COPD patients to improve their quality of life.
