Internet Addiction and Its relationship with Nursing Students’ Health Profile

Document Type : Original Article


1 Community Health Nursing ,Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt.

2 Medical surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt.

3 Assistant prof. Community Health Nursing , Benha University, Benha, , Egypt

4 Psychiatric Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt


Background: Nursing students need to be aware of the optimal use of the Internet
because they spend a lot of time conducting scientific research that complements the
academic curriculum, but when a nursing student becomes unable to control the use of
the Internet, this leads to internet addiction and this will affect their physical,
psychological and social health. Aim: This study was to assess internet addiction and
its relationship with the nursing student‟s health profile. Design: a descriptive
correlative study design was used to achieve the aim of this study. Setting: The study
was conducted at the Technical Institute of Nursing, Fayoum University. The
sample: A simple random sample (322) nursing students Out of 754 Nursing
students. Tools of data collection: The study included three tools first tool: a self
administered questionnaire to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of nursing
students. Second tool: Young Internet Addiction Scale (IAT) to assess the level of
internet addiction; the third tool: The Duke Health Profile. Results: It was found that
8.1% of nursing students were addictive internet users and15.5% of them were at risk.
80.8%, 80.0% of addicts, and at-risk students had poor total the duke health profile,
and 78.9% average internet user students had good total manual scoring for the duke
health profile. A positive highly statistically significant difference between the level
of Internet Addiction and the duke health profile (p <0.001).Conclusion: The current
study concluded that a nursing student who is addicted to the Internet negatively
affects the physical, psychological, and social health, unlike the student who does not
overuse the Internet. Recommendations: The hazards and determinants of Internet
technology should be added to the educational curricula and the methods that must be
followed to avoid its adverse effects on physical, psychological, and social well -
