Sleep Disturbances among Primi Gravidae

Document Type : Original Article


1 Technical Nursing Institute,Faculty of Nursing- Benha University

2 Obstetrics an Gynecology Faculty of Medicine ,Benha University

3 Obstetrics and Woman Health Nursing ,Faculty of Nursing , Benha University.


Aim: The current study aimed to identify the patterns of sleep disturbance among primigravidea pregnant mother women and their possible contributing factors. Setting: the study was conducted at ante-natal care out patient clinic at Benha University hospital. Design: A descriptive study design. Sampling: Purposive sample of 200 primigravidae women. Tools:Three tools were used to collect data, structured interviewing questionnaire, (insomnia rating scale, Epworth scale, Berlin scale and leg cramps); factors contributing to sleep disturbances during pregnancy; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Results:Poor quality of sleep was significantly more common during last trimester among young primigavidae younger than 25 years. Insomnia, day time sleepiness, snoring were the most reported patternsof sleep disturbances followed by breathing disturbances and leg cramps. Patterns of sleep disturbances were statistically significant to demographic characteristics and gestational age of pregnancy (p <0.05) Conclusion: poor quality of sleep was prevalent among healthy primigravida women during pregnancy. Insomnia, snoring, breathing disturbances, day time sleepiness and leg cramps are the most common pattern of sleep disturbances among primigravidea. Adverse obstetrical disorders, physical and psychosocial factors are associated with their sleep during pregnancy. (p<0.05). Recommendation: Discussing factors that lead to sleep disturbances should be included in routine antenatal care.
