The Relationship between Assertiveness and Job satisfaction among Nursing Personnel at Benha University Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Elmonofia Univeristy


Nursing staff are the core stone in the healthcare organizations, Assertiveness enhances communication in work place and it increase the job satisfaction among nurses. Aim:-The study aimed to assess the relationship between assertiveness and job satisfaction among nursing personnel. Design:- Descriptive correlational design was used in this study Setting:- This study was conducted at Medical and Surgical departments Benha University Hospital. Subjects:- Included in this study were composed of (225) of nursing personnel working at the previously mentioned departments. Tools: - Two tools were used for data collection assertive behavior questionnaire and job satisfaction questionnaire Results:- The findings of the present study revealed that the majority of the nursing personnel had highly assertive and they were satisfied with their job. Conclusion: - The findings concluded that there was a positive correlation between nurses' assertiveness and their job satisfaction and this relation was statistical significance difference. Recommendations:- Periodical assessment for nursing staff work environment to reduce prediction and passivity, maintaining continuous staff development activities for nurses to improve their attitude, knowledge and skills in order to improve their assertiveness level. Encouraging excellent nurses by recognition and incentives are very important.
