Influence of Premarital Counseling Regarding Consanguineous Marriage on Knowledge and Attitude among University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternity Nursing & Gynecology Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

2 Dean Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Background: Consanguineous marriage is a tradition habit in Arab countries leading to
higher rates of autosomol recessive genetic disorders.
Aim of the study: to study the
influence of premarital counseling regarding consanguineous marriage on
knowledge and
attitude among university student
s. Methods: A quasi experimental design
was used.
Setting: The study was conducted in (Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University) .Sample
type: A purposive sample was selected .Sample size: 178 students were included in the
study. Tools for data collection: two tools of data collection were used named Arabic
structured -administrated questionnaire sheet and Likert attitude scale. Results: the study
indicated that three fourth of studied sample had total correct knowledge and positive
attitude regarding consanguineous marriage post intervention. Conclusion: improvement
of student's knowledge and attitude after‎ counselling‎ sessions.
integrate premarital counseling concepts regarding consanguineous marriage at
undergraduate university education curriculum
