Chewing gum: post-operative effect on women's recovery and bowel motility following gynecologicabdominal surgery

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt

2 Maternal and Neonatal Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt

3 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

4 Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt


Background: Ileus commonly happens post abdominal surgery and is associated with complication and
may delay recovery. The study is hypothesized that chewing gum decreases postoperative ileus by
improving early recovery of gastrointestinal function. Aim: The study aims to investigate the effect of
chewing gum on the postoperative recovery of gastrointestinal function after gynecological and
abdominal surgery. Methods; Design: A quasi-experimental research design. Setting: the study was
conducted at the general surgery department, and gynecological department at the university hospital in
El Fayoum city. Subjects: a purposive sample of 60 postoperative women. Tools: Data collection tool
consists of structured interviewing schedule, post-operative assessment sheet, and patient satisfaction of
using gum. Results there was significant difference between two groups according to patient's
performance after surgery, also there was significant difference between two groups as regarding
vomiting time, abdominal distention and amount of oral fluid intake. Conclusion: the study conclude that
chewing gum is an accessible, effortless, safe, harmless, cheap, and effective method in declining ileus
and accelerating gastrointestinal recovery after gynecological and abdominal surgery.
Recommendations: Chewing sugar-free gum should be added in the protocol of nursing care after
gynecological and abdominal surgery in the surgery units.
