Effect of nurse-led lifestyle intervention protocol on associated symptoms and self-efficacy among patients with systematic lupus erythematosus

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturers of Medical surgical nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

2 Assistant professor of Medical Surgical Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease. In addition to various
clinical manifestations, it has spiritual, psycho-social and economic consequences. Aim: this study
aimed to assess the effect of nurse-led lifestyle intervention protocol on associated symptoms and
self-efficacy of patients with systematic lupus erythematosus. Design: A quasi-experimental
pre/post-test one-group design. Setting: This study was conducted at Rheumatology unit, affiliated
to Ain Shams University Hospitals. Subjects: A purposive non-probability/nonrandomized sample
of 100 patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Tools: data were collected using two
tools: I. Structured interview questionnaire for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, II.
General Self Efficacy Scale-GSE.III. British Isles Lupus Assessment Group (BILAG) Index.
Results: there was a highly statistically significant difference between associated signs and
symptoms of SLE pre and post implementation of life- style intervention protocol regarding
treatment and self-management of SLE at p value (0.0001), there was a statistically significant
difference regarding studied patients’ self-efficacy and patients’ lupus awareness pre and post life
style intervention protocol implementation. Conclusion: the implementation of nurse-led lifestyle
intervention protocol affected positively the lupus awareness, self-efficacy and improve the
associated symptoms for patients with systematic lupus erythematosus. Recommendations:
Continuous educational sessions to improve patients’ awareness, self-efficacy and improve the
associated symptoms.
