Effect of Relaxation Breathing Exercise on Fatigue for Women with Gynecological Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Woman’s Health &Midwifery Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University. Mansoura city, Egypt

2 Assisstant Professor of Medical and Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University. Mansoura city, Egypt

3 Assisstant Professor of Woman’s Health &Midwifery Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University. Mansoura city, Egypt.


Background: Preserving woman’s health and energy level after chemotherapy is an important role
for oncology nurses. Non-pharmacological Management of fatigue and other associated symptoms
of chemotherapy is very necessary to decrease burden of medication used. Aim: Current study
aimed to evaluate the effect of relaxation breathing exercises on fatigue for women with
gynecological cancer receiving chemotherapy. Design: A randomized control trial was used.
Setting: Current study was carried out at the gynecological ward at nuclear medicine in Mansoura
university hospitals, Mansoura city, Egypt. Subjects: One hundred and eighty-three women with
gynecological cancer were included. Sample type: Simple random sample was applied.Data
collection included three tools which were structured interview questionnaire, piper fatigue scale
and women’s dairy notes. Results: There was a highly significant difference in fatigue scores
between intervention and control. Also, there was a highly statistically significant reduction in
fatigue scores between two times RBE and four time’s group. As well as, there was a highly
significance difference concerning four fatigue domains between intervention and control groups.
Moreover, there was a significant difference of mean fatigue score concerning daily activities on the
seventh day of the study among intervention (two times group), while, highly significance
difference among four times groups and control group. Conclusion: Relaxation breathing exercise
is cost effective; non-invasive, easy and safe practice to alleviate cancer related- fatigue especially
when conducted four times daily. Moreover, relaxation breathing exercise has a positive effect in
improving performance of daily activities and associated symptoms of chemotherapy.
Recommendations: Relaxation breathing exercises should be used as the preferred standard
procedures after chemotherapy administration.
