Effect of Self-Care Guidelines on Chemotherapy Associated Symptoms for patients with lung Cancer

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University– Egypt.

2 Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University– Egypt

3 lecturer of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine - Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University– Egypt.


Background; Lung cancer is common cancers worldwide. In view of the high-
symptoms burden and sever morbidity, Effective symptoms management requires
comprehensive self –care strategies Aim: of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-care
guidelines on Symptoms Burden for Patients with lung Cancer Undergoing Chemotherapy.
Methods: This study was conducted at the outpatient clinics in Radiation Oncology and
Nuclear Medicine Center, affiliated to Ain Shams University. Sample: A purposive sample
of (50) Adult patients were recruited for this study Tools: 1- An interview questionnaire to
assess, a- Patient's socio demographic characteristics, b- Patient's medical health profile, c-
patients knowledge about lung cancer. 2- symptoms burden assessment and 3- patients' self-
care practices assessment. Results: the present study revealed that more than one third of the
patients in the study and control groups had satisfactory level of knowledge pre
implementation of self-care guidelines which improved to the majority of the study group
post implementation. There were statistically significant negative correlations between
patients' total symptom severity and practices in the study group pre and post self-care
guidelines implementation, there were statistically significant positive correlations between
patients' total practices and knowledge in the study group pre self-care guidelines
implementation while, post self –care guidelines implementation it becomes highly
significant positive correlation, there were highly statistically significant negative
correlations between patients' total symptoms severity and total knowledge in the study
group pre and post self-care guidelines implementation Conclusion: self-care guidelines
have a statistically significant positive effect on decreasing severity of lung cancer symptoms
While, some chemotherapy-associated symptoms were slightly improved but there were no
significant differences between pre and post self-care guidelines implementation.
Recommendations: Health education programs about disease and its management should be
provided for lung cancer patients.
