Effectiveness of Application of WHO Multimodal Strategy for Improvement of Knowledge, Practice, and Professional Quality of Life of Nurses during COVID-19 Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


1 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

2 Information System lecturer, International technical female college

3 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University


Background: The application of the WHO multimodal strategy during the periods of the outbreak
of COVID-19, is of great importance for improving nurses', knowledge, practice, and professional
quality of life. Aim: To Evaluate the Effectiveness of the application of the WHO multimodal
strategy on knowledge, practice, and professional quality of life of a nurse's during the Covid-19
pandemic and compare between nurses working in intensive care unit and isolation word about
knowledge, practice, and professional quality of life. Design: Quasi-Experimental research design
was utilized. Setting: The current study was carried out at general Quwesna Hospital, Menoufia
governorate, Egypt. At isolation wards for COVID-19 patients and intensive care unit (ICU).
Subject: a purposive sample of (110) nurses providing direct care for Covid-19 patients, they were
divided into two groups study group one: (45) nurses in ICU and Study group two: (57) nurses at
isolation wards. Tools: Tool I- nurse's socio-demographic and medical data. Tool (2): Covid-19
nurses knowledge assessment. Tool (3): Covid-19 nurses practice Observational checklist, and Tool
(4) The Professional Quality of Life scale (ProQOL). Results: A highly significant difference was
found between both groups pre/post application of WHO multimodal guidelines about knowledge
and practice mean scores. Compassion Satisfaction was increased from an average level to the high
level and burnout was decreased from average level to the low-level post-intervention of application
of WHO multimodal strategy. Conclusions: The application of the WHO multimodal strategy had
been proven to significantly increase knowledge, practice and Professional quality of life mean
score of nurses. Recommendations: Applications of the WHO multimodal strategy and replication
of the study using a large probability sample from a different geographical area to allow for greater
generalization of the results
