Effect of Nursing Care Bundle on Patients Undergoing Prostatic Surgery Outcomes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University

2 Assistant Professor, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Alhasa, Saudia Arabia ،and Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer in Medical - Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University


Extreme symptoms, including physical, spiritual, and psychosocial repercussions, might result from
prostate surgery. A care bundle is a structured way of improving the process of care and patient
outcomes. So the study was aimed to evaluate the effect of nursing care bundle on patients
undergoing prostatic surgery outcomes. Research design: Quazi-experimental research design was
used to conduct data of the current study. Sample: The study sample included a convenient sample
of (40) patients, male adult patients undergoing prostatic surgery. Setting: The research was
conducted at the Oncology Department and Urology Department at Beni-Suef University Hospital.
Four tools used for data collection are Tool (I): The structured interview questionnaire, Tool (II):
Pain visual analogue scale, Tool (III): Surgical site infection grading system and Tool (V): Nursing
care bundle. Results: There were highly statistically significant differences between pre and post
implementation of the nursing care bundle in the studied patients regarding knowledge, pain and
surgical site infection (P =0.001). Moreover, there was a highly statistically significant difference
between pre, post-operative and follow up after one month regarding items of nursing care bundle
regarding deep breathing exercise and wound care. Conclusion: There were highly significant
differences and improvements in outcomes of patients undergoing prostatic surgery after
implementation of nursing care bundle. Recommendations: the study recommended that,
brochures and simplified booklet should be available for patients undergoing prostatic surgery with
basic instructions on how to live securely after surgery
