Biopsychosocial Needs among Patients with Lower Limbs Amputation

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assisstant professor of medical surgical nursing, Ain Shams University, Egypt.

2 lecturer of critical cases nursing, Ain Shams University, Egypt.

3 Nursing supervisor at El- Gmalia Hospital, Egypt.


Background: amputation of the lower limb is a physically and psychologically
traumatic event that leads to a mismatch between the physical representation of the body and the
body itself. Aim: The study aimed to assess biopsychosocial needs among patients with lower
limbs amputation. Methods: a descriptive exploratory design was followed to achieve the aim of
this study. The study conducting at the surgical unit and at the outpatients
clinics at El.
Hospital affiliated to Ain Shams University hospital. A purposive
sample of 50
patient post
lower limb amputation surgery according to inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Data
Tools: I-Patient's interviewing questionnaire, II-Assessment
of patient′s
Biopsychosocial needs. Results: The presentstudy revealed that about half of the studied subjects
had need assistance regarding dressing as a physical need, more two third of them had onset of
the pain suddenly, more than half of them had sometimes shyness in front of people, more than
two third of them sometimes had handicapped to go out for shopping, about half of them
sometimes had difficulty to cope with their condition. Conclusion: The studied subjects had poor
knowledge about dangerous of diabetes mellitus. The physical, psychological, social and spiritual
factors impact strongly on patient′ status after lower limb amputation. Recommendations:
Further studies are needed to study the impact of the biopsychosocial needs on the quality of the
life of the patients
