Health Care Workers Compliance with Preventive Measures for Covid-19 in Intensive Care Units

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of critical care and emergency Nursing department Faculty of nursing Assuit University, Egypt

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt


Background: Healthcare workers are at the forefront of COVID-19 intervention. Unfortunately,
due to highly infected patients with novelty of the virus and the unequipped of hospital to deal with
the sudden influx of situations. Aim: to describes the health care workers compliance with
preventive measures for covid-19 in ICUs. Setting: The study was carried out on intensive care
units (trauma=19, chest=15, general =12, post-operative=12 obstetric=22 ICUs). All health care
workers received a cumulative training of standard and additional precautions at health care facility.
Method: A prospective cross-sectional study design was conducted among 80 HCWs with COVID-
19 infection at Assuit University Hospitals within one year. Two tools were utilized to collect data;
Each participant was contacted individually by the researchers; the questionnaire was distributed to
the participants. Data were collected using a self-administered, valid, structured questionnaire.
Results: The high percent of healthcare workers (82.5%) always use alcohol-based hand rub or soap < /div>
and water after touching a patient, (70%) follow recommended hand hygiene practices, (91.3%) had
cough and 68 (85 %) had sore throat. Conclusion and Recommendations: The incidence of
infection increase, while HCWs followed infection prevention and control measures. Thus vaccinate
all health care workers are recommended. In addition, high-risk HCWs could be assigned duties
