Evaluating the Effect of Non Traditional Teaching Method on Nurses' Performance regarding Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Document Type : Original Article


Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Ain Shams University


Introduction: Cardio pulmonary resuscitation is a series of actions that may significantly increase
the chance of survival following cardiac arrest. In most cardiac arrests, the critical elements of CPR
are chest compressions and early defibrillation. Each situation is different depending on the rescuer,
the victim and circumstances, but the key to success is early intervention. Aim: Developing,
implementing and evaluating the effect of non-traditional teaching method on nurse’s performance
regarding basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Subjects & Methods: A quasi experimental study
was conducted under the Authority Police Hospital at El-Agouza. Results: Less than half of nurses
under study obtained very good in traditional teaching method and half of nurses under study
improved knowledge and practice post used non-traditional method implementation with high effect
skills after used film with booklet. Conclusion: The Level of nurse’s knowledge & practice was
increased after using non traditional method regarding to basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR)..Recommendations: Suggested additional non-traditional for nurses regarding CPR to keep them in
touch with advances in health education about using video film to easy understand to nurses and to give
nurses based of knowledge and skills about CPR as non-traditional methods of teaching.
