Effect of Nurse-Led Intervention on Anxiety and Fatigue among Patients undergoing Cardiac Catheterization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University

2 Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University

3 Assist Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University


Background: Nurses are qualified to provide effective nursing interventions in the management of
patients undergoing cardiac catheterization; nurses-led interventions for patients undergoing cardiac
catheterization have many advantages as reducing anxiety and fatigue. Aim: To evaluate effect of
the nurse-led intervention on anxiety and fatigue among patients undergoing cardiac catheterization.
Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. Sample: A convenient
sample of 100 patients was undergoing cardiac catheterization that randomly was divided into two
groups. Setting: This study was conducted at catheterization unit at Mansoura University Hospital.
Tools: the used tools were: (I) an interview structured questionnaire, (II) Spielberger’s State
Anxiety Inventory (SSAI), and (III) Fatigue assessment scale. Results: The results of this study
revealed that there were significant differences in anxiety and fatigue level among patients
undergoing cardiac catheterization in the control group compared with study group after the nurse
led intervention at (P < .001). Conclusion: The current study concluded that nurse-led intervention
had highly statistically significant positive on reducing anxiety and fatigue level among the studied
patients undergoing cardiac catheterization in study group than control group < /span>. Recommendations:
Replication of the current study with a larger sample of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization
in different settings is required for generalizing the results 
