Designing Standards for Safe Teaching Environment at Health Technical Institute

Document Type : Original Article


Nursing Administration Department – Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University


Background: Teaching environment can influence student attainment and learning. Aim: This study aims to
design standards for safe teaching environment at Health Technical Institute. Design: A descriptive,
methodological design was utilized. Setting: The study was conducted at the Health Technical Institute,
which affiliated to Ministry of Health at Sharkea Governorate. Subjects: Three groups of subjects namely;
jury group, educators group, and nurse students group. Data collection: Three tools were used; opinionnaire,
questionnaire, and an observation checklist sheet. Results: The findings revealed that a majority of educators
and nurse students’ agreed upon the importance of all proposed standards and its criteria, their agreement
ranged between (87.5% to 90.62%) and (90.00% to 92.00%) respectively, there was no statistically significant
difference between the two groups of educators and nurse students. Finally, the findings of the present study
demonstrated that the applicability of all proposed standards and its criteria ranged between (66.67% to
80.00%). Conclusion: A majority of jury group agreed upon the general form (face and content validity) of
the proposed standards. Furthermore, a majority of educators and nurse students agreed upon the importance
of all proposed standards and its criteria, there was no statistically significant difference between the two
group of educators and nurse students. Recommendations: Future studies on the safe learning environment
should be conducted in all educational institutions.
