Assessment of Nurse Interns̛ Knowledge and Practice &Attitude regarding Occupational Health Hazards

Document Type : Original Article


Nursing Administration Department-Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.


Background: The occupational hazards and injuries in the nursing are higher than
average compared with all occupations. In the medical profession, nurses constitute the
largest group of healthcare workers, and experience a higher rate of workplace hazards
exposure than other health care workers. The aim of thisstudy:was to assessing nurse
interns' knowledge and practice &attitude regarding occupational health hazards.Design: A
descriptive research design.Setting:The study was conducted at four hospitals affiliated to
Ain Shams University. Subject:The subjects of this study included 91 nurse interns.Tools of
data collection: Data were collected by using three tools namely: Self - administered
Questionnaire, Observation Checklist, and attitude scale. Results: Physical hazards were at a
first rank level of hazards which more than two fifth of nurse interns were exposed to
physical hazards as perceived by them, while chemical hazards was at the last rank level of
hazards which lowest percentage of nurse interns were exposed to. Minority of nurse interns
had satisfactory practice level regarding occupational health hazards. Score ofnurse interns'
attitude towards protection from hazards was generally low. Conclusion: There was a
positive statistically significance correlations between total practice score and total attitude
score regarding occupational health hazards among nurse interns. Recommendations:
providing training program about occupational hazards and especially about protective
measures, perform regularly routine check-ups of nurse interns to ensure occupational health,
and further future must be made to investigate the relation between perception of
occupational hazards and nurses’ safety practices.
