Appraisal Interview: its Reflection on Nurse Interns, Shift report Exchange

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer Nursing Administration Department– Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University -Egypt.

2 Professor,Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing /Ain Shams University, Egypt.


Background: Effective communication has been identified as essential in providing
safe and quality patient care and ensuring continuity in each patient’s care. Aim: this study
was aimed at investigating the appraisal interview and its reflection on nurse interns' shift
report exchange. Research Design: A quasi – experimental study with one group pre/ post
test design was utilized in this study. Settings: this study was conducted in all critical units
affiliated to Ain Shams University Hospitals. Subject: all available nurse interns who started
their internship in October 2017, and their total number was 89. Tools of data collection
included two tools namely a shift report knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist
for nurse interns' performance of oral shift report . Results: none of nurse interns 0.0% had
satisfactory total knowledge of shift report at pre intervention phase. Conversely, all of them
100% had satisfactory total knowledge of shift report at the post and follow up phases of the
intervention, none of them had adequate performance at pre intervention phase which
increased to 100% of them performed adequate performance of shift report at post study
phase, and follow up phase of the intervention was 85.3%. In conclusion, the
implementation and conduction of an appraisal interview intervention for nurse interns about
shift report was effective and reflected on improving their knowledge and performance in
shift report exchange. The study recommends The appraisal interview approach should be
used continuously as a constructive tool for development and improving the performance of
nurse interns in different clinical care area, In-service training and continuing education
programs must be initiated and be available to all nurses, nurse interns and newly graduates
to be acquainted with knowledge and necessary skills related to oral shift report.
