The effect of Mothers’ Nutritional education based on health belief model to prevent stunting among young children

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University

2 Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

3 Assisstant professor of pediatric nursing , Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

4 Alriyada College for health Science, Jeddah, KSA


Background: Stunting occurs when a child's growth and development are stunted as a result of poor  nutrition, recurrent illnesses, and a lack of psychosocial stimulation. Aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Mothers’ Nutritional education based on health belief model to prevent stunting among young children. Research Design:  A quasi- experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted in the outpatient Clinic of Benha University Hospital, Benha Teaching Hospital and Benha Specialized Pediatric Hospital, which Affiliated to the Ministry of Health. Subjects: The study subject was consisted of convenience sample of (80) mothers and their children the samples were collected from previous setting. Tools of data collection: Three tools: Three tools were utilized, personal characteristics, mothers’ knowledge and practice regarding feeding, and health belief model. Results: the results of the present study revealed that there were highly significant differences in mothers’ knowledge and reported practice and their health belief model. Conclusion: Nutritional education based on a health belief model can help to reduce stunting in young children. Recommendation: To avoid stunting in children, mothers should be encouraged to participate in ongoing nutritional education programs. 
