Factors Affecting Healing Process of Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc., Faculty of Nursing- Port Said University

2 Assist Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Medical-Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University


Background: Diabetic foot ulcer is a major medical, social, economic problem and a
leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The most type of neuropathy affecting person with
diabetes is sensory neuropathy this can lead to the loss of protective sensation in the lower
extremity. The study Aims: to assess the factors affecting healing process of diabetic foot
ulcer among diabetic patients. Research design: descriptive exploratory design was utilized.
Setting: This study conducted in ICU and surgical department at ELArish General Hospital.
Subjects: The study subject includes75patients with diabetic foot ulcer as result of diabetes.
Tools of data collection:four tools were used for collection of data it included Patient
interviewing questionnaire, questionnaire about patient's knowledge about diabetes mellitus
and patients practice about foot care, Wagner classification system to assess wound grade,
Thai stress test questionnaire. Results: The present study finding showed that one thirds of
studied patients were old age, majority of studied patients had poor glycemic control, two
thirds of studied patients had diabetes from ten years ago, more than half of them had high
stress level and more than half of studied patients had unsatisfactory level of knowledge
about diabetes mellitus, while more than half of studied patients had good practices about
foot care. Factors that were significantly affect negatively ulcer healing were age, smoking,
obesity, wound grade, infection, debridement, blood glucose level, lack uses offloading
device and mental stress. Conclusion The study findings concluded that, the most factors
which affect wound healing were age, wound grade, infection, debridement blood glucose,
offloading device and mental stress. Recommendation Developing and dissminate a
simplified and comprehensive booklet including basic information about caring of diabetes
