Effect of Health Promotion Program on Improving Physical Activity among Post- Menopausal Women with Osteoporosis

Document Type : Original Article


Maternity & Gynecological Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University.


Aim: This study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of health promotion program
on improving physical activity among post - menopausal women with osteoporosis.
Research design: quasi-experimental intervention study design was used. Setting: this study
conducted at women’s health center in Nasser institute hospital in Egypt. Subjects: simple
random sampling technique was used to recruit 100 post- menopausal women diagnosed
with osteoporosis in the study. Tools of data collection: three tools were used for data
collection; an interviewing questionnaire sheet, Osteoporosis Knowledge Test, and global
physical activity questionnaire. Results: There is no statistical significant difference between
post-menopausal women in both groups regarding their socio-demographic characteristics.
There was a statistical significant improvement on total level of knowledge and physical
activity regarding osteoporosis after intervention and at follow up (p= 0.001). Conclusion:
The findings of the current study supported the hypothesis of this study which stated that
application of health promotion program had positive effect on improving physical activity
among post-menopausal women with osteoporosis. Recommendation: based on the finding
of the current study the following recommendation is suggested application of physical
activity program for post-menopausal women with osteoporosis to prevent osteoporosis
