Crossover Study: Effect of Facilitated Tucking Position on Preterm Infants Pain and suction duration during Endotracheal Suctioning

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt,

2 Assistant professor of pediatric nursing, Faculty of nursing, Menoufia university, Egypt


Background: Preterm infants are frequently subjected to many painful procedures. One of the
valuable strategy of non-pharmacological methods that helps the preterm infant to manage procedural
pain is the facilitated tucking position. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of facilitated
tucking position on preterm infants’ pain and suction duration during endotracheal suctioning. The design
of this study was randomized controlled crossover design. It was carried out at neonatal intensive care
unit in El Gamea El Sharea Center and Shebin El-Koom Teaching Hospital at Shebin El-Koom City.
Sample: A purposive random sample of 30 premature infants was selected from the settings mentioned
previously. Instruments: Three data collection instruments were used; preterm infant’s assessment sheet,
preterm infant pain profile and Suction Duration assessment sheet. Results: preterm infants with
intervention had shorter suction duration (14.60 ± 3.32 VS 18.93 ± 4.37), lower pain score (9.20 ± 3.03
VS 13.03 ±3.10), more physiological stability, mean maximum heart rate (9.96 VS 16.80) and mean
minimum oxygen saturation (3.73 VS 5.93). It was concluded that, infants who were in facilitated
tucking position during endotracheal suctioning experienced more physiological stability, lower pain
score and shorter suction duration compared to preterm infants who was received routine endotracheal
suctioning. So, it was recommended that facilitated tucking position could be included in standard daily
care during painful procedures for preterm infants.
