Assessment of Nurses Knowledge and Practice Regarding Postpartum Period at Abshaway central Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master Degree of Nursing Science

2 Professor of Maternity & Gynecological Nursing department

3 Professor of Maternity & Gynecological Nursing Department


Background, postpartum period defined as 12 weeks after delivery, it is a critical
transitional time for a woman, newborn and family on physiological and psychological levels.
Aim of the study was to Assess Nurse's knowledge and practice regarding postpartum
period. A descriptive design was adopted in this study. A convenience sample was used to
recruit all nurses at postpartum unit. Setting was located at obstetric department at
Abshaway Fayoum Governmental Central Hospital. Data were collected by using two tools:
1) structured interview questionnaire tool, and 2) observational checklist. The result of this
study indicated that, there was highly statistically significant relation between total
knowledge about postpartum period of the studied nurses and their job title, education level
and years of experience. Conclusion: the majority of total knowledge of studied nurses had
poor knowledge and unsatisfactory practical skills regarding postpartum period and its
management. Recommendations: establishing plans for periodical and scheduled training
courses and educational programs for nurses about postpartum period to improve nurses'
knowledge and practices of postpartum care.
