Biopsychosocial Needs among Patients with Hemiplegia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator of Medical and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Fayoum University

2 Professor of Critical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University

3 Assistant professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain-Shams University

4 Assistant professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Al-Azhar University


Background: Hemiplegia is defined as the paralysis of one side of the body. It is caused by
disease or injury to the opposite hemisphere of the brain. People with hemiplegia often display
difficulties in mobility, cardiopulmonary function, and sensory functioning. These difficulties affect
their activities in daily living and thus have a negative impact on the quality of their life. Aim of the
study: assess the biopsychosocial needs of patient with hemiplegia. Research design: exploratory
descriptive design was utilized to meet the aim of this study. Setting: this study conducted at special
medicine unit (neurology) and outpatient clinic at Fayoum university hospital. Subjects: A
Purposive sample includes 100 patients. Tools of data collection: patient’s assessment tool; Part 1:
Socio-demographic data. Part 2: Past medical history of patients under study. Part 3:
Biopsychosocial needs assessment. A) Physical needs assessment include І. systemic assssment; П.
assessment of the daily living activities using barthel index scale. B) Psychological needs
assessment. C) Social needs assessment. Results: the study showed that the common systemic need
among studied patients were nervous system disorder with 61%, rest and sleep alteration with 56%
followed by integumentary alteration with 38%, among the patients under study. Regarding
performance of activity of daily living it was found that 30% of patient’s under study had severe
dependency. Regarding psychological needs it was found that 84% of patient’s under study had
severe anxiety. Conclusion: this study concluded that about third of patient’s under study had
moderate level of social needs. Recommendation: the study recommended that supportive care
services in any hospital care setting should be directed towards meeting biopsychosocial needs of
patients with hemiplegia.
