Student Nurses Perception Regarding Preventive Measures for Coronavirus Infection

Document Type : Original Article


Maternity & Gynaecological Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University


Background: The coronavirus disease pandemic is ongoing, and prevention measures in
nursing education are essential. However, there are few studies on infection-prevention measures
among nursing students. Aim of the study: To investigate student nurses perception regarding
preventive measures for coronavirus infection. Research design: A descriptive design was used in
this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Maternity and Gynecological Nursing Department
at the nursing faculty at; Ain shams university. Sample: Purposive sample consisted of 127 male
and female nursing students in the 3rd academic year from the previously mentioned setting. Tools:
2 tools were used the 1st tool structured interviewing questionnaire. The 2nd tool was student nurses'
attitudes regarding preventive measures for coronavirus infection. Results: the majority of the
studied sample had total correct knowledge and nearly three-quarters of the studied sample had a
positive attitude regarding preventive measures for COVID-19 and its preventive measures and there
was a weak positive correlation between total knowledge and total attitude regarding preventive measures
for coronavirus infection among the studied sample.Conclusion: The majority of the study sample had
correct knowledge about preventive measures for coronavirus infection. Additionally, nearly three-
quarters of the study sample had a positive attitude regarding preventive measures for coronavirus
infection. Furthermore, there was a weak positive correlation between the total knowledge and the
total student nurses’ attitudes. Recommendations: Design and implement guidelines for nurses
regarding preventive measures for COVID-19 to enhance their knowledge and attitude. Further
research: Investigate healthcare team compliance with preventive measures for COVID-19 in the
clinical settings.
