Assessment of Self Care among Patients with Ureteric Double-J Stent: Suggested Guideline

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator of Medical and Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Fayoum University

2 Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University

3 Assistant professor of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Fayoum University

4 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain-Shams University


Background: Ureteric double J stent has been common practice in the management of
various urological conditions. Ureteral stent placement is associated with some degree of morbidity
in the majority of patients that ranges from generalized urinary discomfort to urinary tract infection
or obstruction Aim of the study: assess self-care among patients with ureteric double J stent.
Research design: A descriptive exploratory research design. Setting: This study was conducted at
Urosurgery outpatient clinic affiliated to EL-Fayoum University Hospital. Subjects: A purposive
sample of 70 patients with ureteric double J stent. Tools of data collection: I: Structured
interviewing questionnaire; Part 1: Patients' demographic data. Part 2: Patients' clinical data. a)
Patients' medical history. b) Signs and symptoms assessment related ureteric double J stent. II:
Patients' knowledge assessment questionnaire. III: Patients' self-care practices tool. Results: the
study showed that, 100% of the studied patients with ureteric double J stent had unsatisfactory total
knowledge. 60.0%, 77.1% - 62.9%, 64.3% and 84.3% of the studied patients had adequate level of
self-care practices regarding personal hygiene, rest and sleep, compliance with treatment, infection
prevention and sexual relation respectively. While, 100% of them had inadequate level of self-care
practices regarding physical activity and social and work domain. Conclusion: Regarding self-care
practices, it was found that, all of the studied patients had inadequate level of self-care practices
regarding physical activity and social and work domain and most of the studied patients had
inadequate level of self-care practices regarding psychological domain. While, all of the studied
patients had adequate self-care practice regarding elimination. Recommendation: the study
recommended that, implementing self-care practices educational program regarding ureteric double
J stent in outpatient clinics and the urology departments.
