Physical and Psychological Effects of Cannabinoids and Synthetic Cannabinoids among Substance Abusers

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.SC Nursing- Ain Shams University

2 Assistant professor of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University


Background: Substance abuse a chronic relapsing disorder that produces a dramatic global health
burden worldwide, Moreover, one of the most abused drugs is Cannabinoids(C) and synthetic
Cannabinoids (SC). Cannabinoids are found in all cannabis preparations, the principles
psychoactive ingredient is, Tetra-Hydro- Cannabinol (THC). All Cannabinoids substances natural or
synthetic have the same influence as THC. Aim: this study aimed to assess physical and
psychological effects of cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids among substance abusers. Tools
of data collection: this study tools divided into five tools (1) Socio-demographic data tool (2)
Physical symptoms study tool (3) Anxiety study tool (4) Aggression study tool (5) Depression study
tool. Result: Numerous effects are observed by cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids use,
include adverse physical symptoms and psychological effects as high severity levels of anxiety,
aggression and depression. Conclusion: Cannabinoids group were had mild anxiety, aggression and
moderate depression but Synthetic Cannabinoids group were had moderate anxiety, moderate
aggression and mild depression. Recommendations: based on the results of this study, the
following recommendations are suggested: Planning for psychosocial care program to provide
psychosocial support for client with cannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids substance abusers.
Provide psycho-educational program for patient about the risk of cannabinoids and synthetic
cannabinoids substance.
