Effect of Educational Instructions on Pregnant Women's Knowledge and Practice regarding Iron Deficiency Anemia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing fellow (woman's Health and Midwifery Nursing), students Hospital Mansoura University.

2 Assistant professor of obstetrics, Gynecological and reproductive health Nursing, Sohag & Matrouh University

3 Assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt.


Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy is a major health problem. All pregnant women are at risk for
becoming anemic that is because the iron need for the mother and fetus gradually increases during
pregnancy and reaches its highest level at the end of the pregnancy. Aim: To investigate the effect
of educational instructions on pregnant women's knowledge and practice regarding iron deficiency
anemia. Subjects and method: Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to achieve
this study. Setting: The study was applied in antenatal outpatient clinics at Mansoura University
Hospitals. Subjects: A purposive sample of 300 pregnant women involved in the study from the
previously selected settings. Three Tools were used for data collection 1) a structured
interviewing questionnaire, 2) a pregnant women's reported practices tool, and 3) a hemoglobin
level assessment sheet. Results: A statistically significant difference was detected between pregnant
women's level of knowledge and practice regarding iron deficiency anemia and Hemoglobin (Hb)
value after educational instructions intervention. The hemoglobin level mean was increased among
the studied pregnant women after educational instructions intervention. Conclusion: Educational
instruction intervention has a positive effect on enhancing pregnant women's knowledge and
practice regarding iron deficiency anemia and hemoglobin level. Recommendations: Educational
instruction intervention is recommended in various maternity healthcare settings. Educational
booklets should be provided about foods with a high concentration of iron to reduce iron deficiency
anemia in pregnant women
