Effect of Mind Mapping Strategy on Nurses’ Performance and Maternal Satisfaction Regarding Intrapartum Nursing Management

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt

2 Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt

3 Public Health and Community Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Shebin El Kom, Egypt (specialties in industrial medicine and occupational health)


Background: mind map is a visual representation that can be used as an effortless way to keep track of information. To maintain organization, it facilitates data organization in a single spot. Mind mapping can improve nursing care effectiveness and, as a result, mothers' satisfaction with the care they receive. Purpose: was to study the effect of mind-mapping strategy on nurses’ performance and maternal satisfaction regarding intrapartum nursing management. Method: The current study was carried out using a quasi-experimental research design with a case-control design for the intrapartum women and a pre-post-test for the maternity nurses. The gynecology and obstetrics departments at Menoufia University Hospital and Shebin El-Kom Teaching Hospital were the sites of this study. Sample: A convenient sample of all population (48 maternity nurses) and a purposeful sample of 100 intrapartum women were gathered. Instruments: structured interviewing questionnaire for maternity nurses, a mind-mapping checklist for maternity nurses, and maternal satisfaction with the intrapartum care scale. Results: The mind-mapping knowledge scores of the maternity nurses significantly improved after the intervention compared to before. Moreover, they demonstrated competent performance in mind-mapping-based intrapartum nurse management after the intervention as opposed to before. In addition, intrapartum women who received mind mapping-based intrapartum nursing management reported being more satisfied, compared to those who did not receive it. Conclusion: Mind mapping was found to help maternity nurses learn and do a better job of managing care during labor and delivery. Recommendations: To enhance maternity nurses' intrapartum performance and subsequently the satisfaction of women, training programs about intrapartum care should be introduced.
