Assessment of Critical Thinking Disposition among Nursing Academic Staff Members and Assistance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Nursing Administration

2 Faculty of Nursing, Fayoum University, Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, Egypt, B.Sc. in Nursing


Background: Critical thinking was thinking that analyzed thought, that assessed thought and transformed it for better. Critical thinking is one of the critical components for the learning and academic staff members also considered as core element of higher education institutions. Critical thinking is considered one of the most important concepts in education of preparing educators to teach critical thinking disposition through implementing active and innovative teaching strategies (Huang & Newman and Schwartzstein, 2015). The study aim was assessing critical thinking disposition among academic staff members and assistance at faculty of nursing in Fayoum University. A research design: Descriptive study research design was followed. Setting: The study was conducted at Faculty of nursing, affiliated to Fayoum University. Subject: a sample of (84) of academic staff members.  Tool of data collection: Data was collected by using The California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CCTDI). Results: This study revealed that the majority of sub-scales of CCTDI academic staff members showed a positive disposition toward critical thinking. No statistical significant difference was found in relation to all dispositional subscales, the lecturers have the highest mean score toward critical thinking. Conclusion: The academic staff members had achieved the highest mean scores in “truth seeking, analyticity and open- mindedness”. Meanwhile, they achieved the lowest mean scores in the dispositional level characteristics of '' Self- Confidence, Cognitive maturity ''. Recommendations: Academic staff members must use a new effective teaching strategies to promote students critical thinking.
