Impact of the Finger Handheld Relaxation Technique on Pain Intensity and Stress among Post Appendectomy Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

2 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor at Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni Suef University, Egypt


Background: Pain and emotional stress are an unpleasant experience for patients post-
appendectomy because of their tissue trauma surgical incision. Handheld finger relaxation is a
therapy that can be applied to reduce pain and stress in patients. This study aimed to evaluate the
impact of the finger handheld relaxation technique on pain intensity and stress among post-
appendectomy patients. Design: Quasi-experimental design study &control group was used in the
present study. Setting: The research was carried out at inpatient surgical departments at Mansoura
University Hospital, Egypt. Subjects: The study subjects included a purposive sampling technique
enrolled to select a sample of 150 post-appendectomy patients in the previously selected
departments and randomly assigned into two equal groups. Tools of data collection: Three tools
were used for data collection; Tool I: Health assessment sheet to identify data related to patients
post appendectomy's personal and medical history, Tool II: Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS),
and Tool III: Cohen's Perceived Stress Scale Short Version (PSS-10). Results: The current study
revealed that post the implementation of the finger handheld relaxation technique, pain intensity
reduced that ranged from no (0) unbearable pain in study compared to (15%) in the control group
and (25%) had severe pain in the study group compared to (75%) in the control group. Also, the
study group had less stress levels compared to the control group post-appendectomy patients with a
highly statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.000*). Conclusion: The
study concluded that; the finger handheld relaxation technique has a positive effect on reducing pain
intensity and stress among post-appendectomy patients. Recommendations: The finger handheld
relaxation technique should be integrated into the care of post-appendectomy patients to help reduce
pain intensity and stress levels
