Effectiveness of Applying Finger Handheld Relaxation Technique on Pain Intensity and Fatigue among Children Undergoing Chemotherapy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt

2 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Pediatric Faculty of Nursing Mansoura University, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, Egypt


Background: Chemotherapy is a standard cancer treatment, but it can cause side effects like pain and fatigue that can affect children's quality of life. Complementary and alternative therapies, including Finger handheld relaxation, have gained popularity as potential solutions to alleviate these symptoms. Aim: Evaluate the effectiveness of applying the finger handheld relaxation technique on pain intensity and fatigue among children undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized.Setting: This study was carried out at the Oncology Institute in Sohag City. A purposive sample of children receiving chemotherapy which were randomly classified into study and control groups (35 in each group). Tools: Three tools were used to collect data: a structured interviewing questionnaire, the numeric pain rating scale, and a fatigue assessment scale. Results: Children in the study group experienced severe pain at a rate of 4%, while the rate for the control group was 70%. Additionally, 58% of the study group reported mild pain, while only 10% of the control group reported mild pain. In addition, 46% of the study group reported mild fatigue, while 37% of the control group reported the worst fatigue.Conclusion:The results of the present study concluded that children who received the finger handheld relaxation technique exhibited less pain and fatigue compared to children who did not receive it. Recommendations: The finger handheld relaxation technique should be integrated into the care of children undergoing chemotherapy to help reduce pain intensity and fatigue.
