Correlation between Psychological Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic and Care Burden among Parents of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Children

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faulty of Nursing, Benha University.

2 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University.


Background: Parents of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder faced particular difficulties as a result of pandemic COVID 19. During the outbreak, those parents reported experiencing increased levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and burden. Aim of study: was to investigate Correlation between psychological effects of COVID-19 pandemic and care burden among parents of attention deficit hyperactivity children. Design: A descriptive correlational design was utilized to achieve the aim of study. Setting: This study was carried out in pediatric outpatient of psychiatric & mental health in Benha city. Sample: Purposive sample of 100 parents of children with ADHD. Tools of data collection: Three tools were utilized to collect data, Tool (I): structured interview questionnaire sheet to assess socio demographic of parents and their children. Tool (II): The Zarit burden interview scale. Tool (III): Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS -21). Results: nearly half (48%) of the studied parents had severe psychological problems, more than one third (34.0 %) of them had moderate psychological problems, while more than half (56.0%) of the them had severe level of burden of care and more than one third (34.0%) of them had moderate level of burden of care. Conclusion: There was a statistically significant correlation between psychological effect of COVID-19 pandemic and care burden among studied parents. Recommendations: conducting psycho educational program to enhance coping with psychological effect of covid 19 pandemic and alleviating care burden for parents of children with ADHD.