Household Health Behaviors and Maternal Stress During Covid-19 Outbreak

Document Type : Original Article


1 Clinical Instructor at Technical Institute of Nursing Community Health Nursing Beni-Suef University

2 Assist. Professor Community Health Nursing Beni-Suef University

3 Lecturer Community Health Nursing Beni-Suef University


 Background: Covide-19 pandemic has interrupted millions of populates with life stress and day-to-day troubles having a potential influence on maternal mental wellbeing. Constraints related to pandemic such as lock-downs, quarantine and school closures. Aim: assessment of household health behaviors and maternal stress during the covid-19 outbreak. Design: descriptive design. Setting: at MCH centers in Beni-Suef city Sample: A convenient sample of 112 of mothers. Tools: an interviewing questionnaire includes demographic characteristics mothers’ knowledge regarding Covid-19 outbreak. Second an observation checklist for self-reported practices regarding household maternal health Behaviors, the third tool is maternal stress scale regarding Covid-19 outbreak. Results: 47.3% of mothers were aged 30-<40 years old. 53.6% of them had accepted knowledge. 57.1% of them had inadequate practices regarding household maternal health behaviors & 53.6% of mothers had high level   maternal stress during the Covid-19outbreak. Conclusion: there was highly significant positive correlation between total mothers’ knowledge and practices regarding covid19 outbreak and their total maternal stress level. Recommendations: Education program focus on providing accurate and accessible information, promoting effective practices, and addressing the emotional well-being of mothers to mitigate the potential negative impact of stress during these challenging times.
