Relationship between Organizational Climate and Nurse Managers' Administrative Creativity

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.s.c. student in Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University.

2 Professor of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University.

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University.


Background: Administrative creativity of the nursing managers is influenced greatly with organizational climate and need to be taken in consideration. Aim of the study: The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between organizational climate and nurse managers' administrative creativity. Subjects and methods:  Descriptive correlational design   included 60 nurse  managers (30 nurse managers from Ain shams university hospital and 30 nurse managers from El-demerdash hospital). A convenient sample of the available nurse managers (60 nurse managers) assigned to the study. Data collection tools included organizational climate questionnaire for assessment of  the organizational climate and administrative creativity questionnaire for determining  nurse managers administrative creativity .Results: There was slight elevation of the high level of organizational climate in El-demerdash hospital (57%) than Ainshams university hospital (45%). there were similar levels of administrative creativity in both El-demerdash hospital and Ainshams university hospital. Conclusion: There was insignificant statistical correlation between total administrative creativity and total organizational climate in Ainshams University hospital. There was insignificant statistical correlation between total administrative creativity and total organizational climate in Eldemerdash hospital. Recommendations: Providing sufficient training program for the nurse managers about administrative creativity and Improving nurse managers’ coping strategies to overcome organizational limitations.
