Effectiveness of Pender's Model-Based Program on Acculturative Stress, Lifestyle, and Social Adjustment among International University Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Suez Canal University, Egypt.

2 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt.

3 Family and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Suez Canal University, Egypt.

4 Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt.


Background: International Students (IS) are facing complex decisions regarding the maintenance of their original culture and adaptation to the behaviors of the host culture which may affect their mental health, lifestyle, and social adjustment. Pender's Health Promotion Model (HPM)  is a helpful and promising strategy for encouraging better health behaviors and altering harmful ones. Objective: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational program based on Pender's model on acculturative stress, lifestyle, and social adjustment among international university students at Suez Canal University, Ismailia Governorate, Egypt. Subjects and method: A quasi-experimental design using one group involving 64 international undergraduate students. The tools used were the demographic data questionnaire, the acculturative stress assessment scale, the healthy lifestyle of university students scale, and the social adjustment scale. Educational program sessions based on Pender's model were conducted for all participants. Results: The total mean score of acculturative stress before the intervention program was 99.85+30.52 compared to 74.77+17.06 after the intervention at P value <0.001. Before the program, the total mean score of healthy lifestyle behaviors was 105.31+12.51 vs. 143.69+18.46 post-intervention, and 68.8% of the studied IS had average social adjustment levels post-intervention, compared to 60.9% pre-intervention.  Conclusion: Findings indicate a positive effect of the educational program based on Pender's model in enhancing international students (IS) social adjustment and healthy lifestyle and reducing acculturative stress. Recommendation: Future research might be guided by the findings of this program to be used as stress management training can improve students' mental health.
