Effect of Benson Relaxation Technique versus Foot Massage on Postpartum Blues among Postnatal Mothers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Maternal Health Nursing and Newborn, Faculty of Nursing, Damietta University

2 Pediatric Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University, Egypt

4 Fellow of Nursing - Community Health Nursing, Urology and Nephrology Center Mansoura University

5 Assistant Professor of Maternal & Newborn Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University, Egypt and Department of Nursing, Bilad Alrafidain University College, 32001, Diyala, Iraq 



Background: Mood changes in the early days of postpartum are particularly common. Postpartum blues are a common mental health problem during the early postpartum period. There are many alternative therapies to treat this. However, many studies reported that non-pharmacological and complementary interventions are easy to perform without any risk, and with minimal expenses, They decrease the cortisol level in the bloodstream which causes stress and leads to a decrease in the postpartum blues. Therefore current study aimed to evaluate the effect of the Benson relaxation technique versus foot massage on postpartum blues among postnatal mothers. Study design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to accomplish this study pre-test post-test control group design. Methods: the study was carried out at the Postpartum Unit at Damietta University Hospital and home visit. Subject: the study included a purposive sampling technique was 200 postnatal mothers, they were divided into three groups (foot reflexology, Benson relaxation, and control group). Two tools were used: The postnatal mother's assessment sheet and the postnatal mother's Obstetric and Postpartum data. Results: a statistically significant difference between the groups was reported regarding postpartum blues at (P=0.001) post-Benson relaxation technique versus foot massage application and the improvement was more significant in the reflexology group than the Benson group. Also, a statistically significant difference between the groups was reported about postpartum blues levels. Conclusion: Benson relaxation technique versus foot massage application has a significant reduction in mean post-test postpartum blues scores among postnatal mothers and was found to be cost-effective, non-invasive, non-pharmacological management used to reduce postpartum blues. A higher significant improvement was observed in the reflexology group compared to Benson’s relaxation group.  Recommendations: Applying a training program for postnatal mothers during the antenatal period about the importance of the Benson relaxation technique versus foot massage applying to be able to use them as a part of routine care during the postpartum period.
