Nurses’ Attitudes toward Patient Safety and Its Relation to Clinical Judgment and Resilience

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.

2 Assistant professor of nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing, Tanta University, Egypt.

3 Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, Jordan & Lecturer of nursing administration, Assiut University, Egypt.


Background: Nurses’ attitudes toward patient safety play an essential role in nurturing a safety-oriented culture in healthcare institutions, as well as in influencing their own clinical judgement and capacity to navigate complex scenarios effectively. Aim: Assess nurses’ attitudes toward patient safety and its relation to clinical judgement and resilience. Research design: A descriptive comparative correlational research design was utilized. Setting: The study was carried out at Intensive Care Units of Tanta University Main Hospital and El-Menshawy General Hospital Subjects: Included all (635) nurses at previous mentioned setting.  Instruments: Three instruments were used; nurses’ attitudes towards patient safety questionnaire, clinical judgment questionnaire and nurses’ resilience scale. Results: Majority of nurses had positive attitude toward patient safety at two study hospitals. Nearly seventy percent of nurses had a satisfactory level of clinical judgment at Tanta University Main Hospital, while over two-thirds at El-Menshawy General Hospital. In relation to overall resilience, at Tanta University main hospital more than thirty percent of nurses had a high level compared to over half at El-Menshawy General Hospital. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between nurses' attitudes and both clinical judgment and resilience in the total sample and in both hospitals. Additionally, a significant correlation was observed between clinical judgment and resilience. Recommendation:  Nurse managers should organize regular training sessions and workshops that focus on patient safety protocols, clinical judgement and resilience. Establish peer support groups or mentorship programs in which nurses can request guidance, exchange experiences, and obtain emotional assistance to enhance their resilience.
