Leadership Practices among Head Nurses Using 360 Degree Feedback Assessment

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.Sc Nursing - Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing- Ain Shams University


           Background: Nursing leadership plays a vital role in shaping outcomes for healthcare organizations, personnel and patients. The development of leadership in head nurses is of utmost importance. 360-degree feedback assessments are a valuable tool for leadership development. Aim: This study aimed to assess leadership practices among head nurses using 360 degree feedback assessment. Subjects and Methods: Descriptive cross sectional design was used to carry out this study. The study was conducted at El-Demerdash hospital and Obstetric and Gynecological hospital which affiliated to Ain-Shams University Hospitals. The subjects  of this study included a convenience sample of 11 supervisors and 40 head nurses, and a stratified disproportional random sample of 120 staff nurses from the aforementioned settings. Data collection tool: Leadership Practices Inventory. The results: the study result revealed high self-perception of head nurses regarding their own leadership practices (52.5%), while low other perception of head nurses regarding leadership practices as perceived by their supervisors and staff nurses (0%, 2.5%, respectively). Conclusion: there were high self-rating of head nurses to their leadership practices in comparison to low other rated leadership practices scores as perceived by supervisors and staff nurses.  Indicating over-self estimation of head nurses to their leadership practices and lack of their self awareness. Recommendations: Leadership development program using 360 degree feedback assessment have to be incorporated in all nursing curricula in different nursing educational levels.
