Health Awareness of Mothers with Preschool Children Regarding Household Poisoning

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc., Tanta University.

2 Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.

3 Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Background: Household Poisoning according to WHO refers to ‘an injury sustained due to exposure to a substance that causes cellular injury or death at home. The study aimed to assess health awareness of mothers with preschool children regarding household poisoning. Research design: A descriptive  exploratory design was utilized to achieve the aim of this study. Setting: The study was conducted at the MCH center of Al shrouk city which include two center (100 m center, El_Rihan center) each center contains 6 clinics (dental, family planning, physiotherapy, antenatal care, immunization) the reason for choosing this city, it covers all class level. The sample size of 100m center was 150 mothers, and 110 mothers from El Rihan center. Sample: Purposive sample of 260 mothers from the above-mentioned setting was involved in this study. Tools: Self-administered questionnaire: It included three parts as follows: Part  (1): Sociodemographic characteristic of mothers. Part (2): sociodemgraphic characteristic of children part 3 Mothers knowledge regarding houshold poisoning. Second tool : consist of two checklists. First checklist: mothers reported practices as regards household poisoning prevention in kitchen, bathroom, storage area, second checklist: mothers reported practices as regards first aid for household poisoning of their children less than 6 years. Third tool: assessing mother attitude regarding household poisoning consist of 16 items (all precaution to prevent household. Result: 94.6%of mothers had unsatisfactory knowledge regarding household poisoning,93.5%of mothers had inadequate total practices whenever, 75.0%of them had negative attitude toward prevention of houshold poisoning . Conclusion: there was a highly statistically significant correlation between studied mothers’ total knowledge and their reported practice. In addition, there were statically significant correlation found between mothers’ total knowledge and total attitude about household poisoning while there was no statistically significant relation between studied mothers’ total attitude and their total reported practices about household poisoning. Recommendation: Health education program for mothers about safe housing condition should be held in MCH centers by community health nurse. Further study: Improve community health awareness about poisoning prevention and how to provide first aid for children in emergency situations through mass media specially television and internet.
