Effect of Post-natal Exercises Bundle Sessions on Mothers’ Recovery after Caesarean Section

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University

2 Lecturer of Maternity and Newborn Health Nursing, Beni-Suef University

3 Assistant Professor of Woman's Health and Midwifery Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Mansoura University

4 Assistant professor of Community Health Nursing- Faculty of Nursing – Mansoura University


Background: Postpartum recovery period is usually longer for cesarean births. Physiological concern of women after cesarean birth may include pain, fatigue, activity intolerance and incision problems. Educating post cesarean section mother about benefits of early exercises on her recovery is a main nursing role.  Aim: To evaluate the effect of post-natal exercises bundle sessions on mothers’ recovery after caesarean section. Design: A quasi-experimental (experiment & control group) research design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at outpatient clinics of New Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital and at Obstetrics and Gynecology wards of Main Mansoura University Hospital. Sample: A convenient sampling technique of 100 mothers undergone caesarean section within three months, admitted to the previously mentioned setting were divided into two groups as (experiment & control group) including 50 mothers in each one. Tools: A Structured Interviewing Questionnaire, Pain assessment scale, and Structured Assessment Sheet. Results: study findings by an Independent t-test showed similarity in the pain mean score before the exercise intervention (t=1.25, P=0.213). Compared to after post-natal exercises, with a statistical significant differences between the experimental and control group (t=5.73, P ≤0.001) with very huge effect size of the exercise intervention (d=1.15). Also, there was a statistically significant difference in most recovery indicators among post-caesarean mothers in both groups. Conclusion: The result was concluded that implementation of post-natal exercises bundle sessions had a positive effect on improving mothers’ recovery after caesarean section. Recommendations: Post-natal exercises are recommended to be taught to mothers after caesarean section during antenatal period.
