Relationship between Personal Branding and Career Development among Staff Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Nursing Science, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University

2 Assist Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Sohag University


Background: Developing employee Personal Brand is an Important Career Advancement Strategy. Aim of the study: The current study aimed to assess relationship between personal branding and career development among staff nurses. Design: A descriptive correlational design was used.  Setting: The study was conducted at Ain Shams Hospital. Subjects: The study subjects include (186) out of (350) staff nurses. Tools: Two tools were used namely personal branding questionnaire and career development questionnaire. Results:  (53.2%) of nurses had low level of personal branding, while (57%) of nurses had low level of career development. Conclusion: Highly statistically significant positive correlation between staff nurses total personal branding and total career development. Recommendations: Regular in-service educational programs about personal branding, marketing and career development. Further research is recommended as studying the influence of personal branding on nursing image.
