Professional Quality of Life and Its Relationship with Work Alienation: Oncology Nurses' Perspective.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Clinical Instructor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Damnhour University, Egypt

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Damnhour University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt

4 Anesthesia and Intensive Care consultant, Damanhour oncology center, Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt


Background: Professional quality of life is crucial in nursing profession, and an intrinsically motivating factor encourages staff nurses to increase their satisfaction, and decrease work alienation by assigning them to positions suitable to their values and beliefs. Aim: To investigate the relationship between Professional quality of life and work alienation: oncology nurses' perspective at Damanhour Oncology Center. Design: A descriptive correlational research design was utilized to conduct this study. Setting: This study was conducted at all in-patient care units at Damanhour Oncology Center. Subjects: Convenience sampling technique, all staff nurses (n=230) who were working in the previously selected settings, provide direct and indirect care, available during the time of data collection, also, and willing to participate in this study. They were divided as follows; professional nurses (n =30), technical nurses (n= 200). Tools: two tools were used in order to conduct this study. Tool one: “professional quality of life questionnaire". Tool two: “work alienation questionnaire " . Results: the majority of oncology nurses perceived low level of the overall PQOL,  while the overall level of work alienation was high. Conclusion: The finding of this study concluded that there was a high statistically significant strong negative correlation between the overall of oncology nurses’ perception of professional quality of life and the overall work alienation as perceived by the oncology nurses (r= -0.640, p <0.001). Recommendations: The executives need to identify the factors that causing them to be alienated from their work. In order to improve the PQoL of healthcare professionals, and factors that can help working conditions to be improved by applying an effective system of enhancing working conditions to enable greater autonomy among nurses and build atmosphere of confidence to improve their PQOL through many activities as teamwork, executive support, social activities at work, and the high-quality relationships between managers and staff nurses. In addition, high-quality relationships between managers and staff, teamwork, and encourage teamwork, conflict resolution and group dynamics to promote the exchange of thoughts and attitudes among nurses.Therefore, areas of training that will provide health professionals with an increase in their PQoL should be determined. Thus, healthcare managers can improve the PQoL by reduce work alienation by giving employees “positions” suitable to their values and belief.
