Awareness and Challenges of adopting Cybersecurity at health colleges at Najran University

Document Type : Original Article


Computer department , applied college, Najran University, KSA


In the modern digital age, the issue of cybersecurity has emerged as a highly important issue, affecting various fields around the world including health sector. This research aimed to identify the degree of awareness among members of health colleges about cyber-security by demonstrating the extent to which their aware of cyber-security concepts from their point of view, focusing on the experience of Najran University in information security and its evaluation. Methodology: Descriptive and analytical approach was used to attain the research objectives, and the case study methodology was used because it is suitable for such types of studies. Results: The mean level of Najran University employees' attitude toward the cyber-security concepts was ranked from the most agreement (M=4.00) to the least agreement (M=2.82) among the sample. For the employees' attitude toward the Cyber-security risks was ranked from the most agreement (M=4.06) to the least agreement (M=4.00). While for the mean of level of employees' attitude toward the Cyber-security violations was ranked from the most agreement (M=4.06) to the least agreement (M=4.00). Conclusion & recommendation: Our research has revealed the urgent necessity to build a cyber-security plan in order to enhance the cyber ecosystem. Saudi Arabians are more likely to avoid cybercrime since they are aware of the regulations and have a potential balance between Internet usage and awareness. This is critical because cybercrime technology poses a challenge to all of us because it is capable of leaving no trace or evidence. According to our recommendations, future work in this sector should include other elements to match varied educational environments around the world.
