Appreciative Leadership Style and Its Role in Development of Innovative Work Behavior and Talent Management among Nursing Staff

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt


Background: Appreciative leaders can create new ideas, be innovative, can communicate with nurses’ effectively, and manage talented people to ensure high-quality care. Aims: examines the appreciative leadership style and its role in the development of innovative work behavior and talent management among nursing staff. Design of the research: A descriptive correlational research design. Setting: Minia Health Insurance Hospital, Egypt Subjects: A convenient sample was utilized, involved all nurses who consented to share in the study were enrolled at the time of data collection. The sum of the numbers was (n=199 nurses). Tools: Three tools were utilized to gather data for the present research: the appreciative leadership scale, the innovative work behavior scale, and the talent management scale. Results: The current research revealed that nearly half of the study sample had a moderate level of appreciative leadership style, while more than half of them had moderate innovative work behavior and moderate level of talent management in their work. Conclusion: The present study illustrates that nurses had moderate level of appreciative leadership, innovative work behavior, and talent management, while there was a moderate positive correlation between appreciative leadership with innovative work behavior and talent management among nursing staff. Recommendations: Encourage the use of appreciative leadership behaviors, as encouraging regular feedback, acknowledging successes, and cultivating a culture of support at work that improves innovation and can manage employees talently.
